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Topographic Maps

Topographic maps are detailed, accurate graphic representations of features that appear on the Earth's surface.


These features include:

  • Cultural Features: roads, buildings, urban development, railways, airports, names of places, administrative boundaries, state and international borders, reserves, etc

  • Natural Features: lakes, rivers, streams, swamps, coastal flats, reliefs, mountains, valleys, slopes, wooded and cleared areas, depressions, vegetation, vineyards and orchards.


A map legend (or key) lists the features shown on that map, and their corresponding symbols.


What are topographic maps used for?


Topographic maps are used for recreational purposes, such as travelling, hiking and orienteering, but they are also used by government and industry to assist with urban planning, mining, emergency management and the establishment of legal boundaries and land ownership.







 is for the border that surrounds a map - it needs to stand out and clearly define a map.


 is for orientation. All maps require an arrow that shows the direction of north.


 is for legend, which is also called a key. iT  unlocks the symbols and colours on a map and tells us what they mean. 


 is for title which must be very specific:  it should contain a place name, a description and also a date.


 is for scale. which can be shown in three ways: as a linear scale, statement scale or ratio scale.  


 is for source. A map should be accurately sourced so that the reader knows where the information comes from.

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