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BAINES, Harold Philip

The Class of 1914 - this was Headmaster Lawrance’s final year at IGS, Harold Baines would have been in this picture, but is as yet unidentified.

Date of Birth:
IGS Student No:
Enrolment Date:
Age at Enrolment:
Last Day at IGS:
12 October 1898
February 1914
16 years
April 1914

Harold Baines’ story has been one of mystery. The IGS Roll of Honour has him listed as having served in the Great War [see below]. That being said, when research was undertaken no records could be found to support this. His nephew, Graham, was contacted and he mentioned that Harold’s daughter (who was asked if her father had served) stated that she had no recollection of any war service, believing that his extremely poor eyesight would have restricted his capacity to enlist... So the mystery remains...

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